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Bronzes, Brasses

Product descriptions

Grades, production method, chemical composition and properties

Grades Production method Nominal composition, properties
AP-Cu Gas- or water-sprayed copper powder Cu Fe<0.2 Ni<0.04 Zn<0.05 Sn<0.05
Making products by pressing and sintering. Filler for powder compounds
(Water atomization)
Water-sprayed bronze powder for making parts Cu Fe3 Zn0.5 Si0.1
Good compressibility. Packed density 3.6-4.1 g/cm3
AP-CuAl8.5Fe4Ni5Mn1.5 Gas-sprayed bronze powder for coatings Cu Al8.5 Fe4 Ni5 Mn1.5
Anti-frictional properties, increased resistance to abrasive wear, erosive and cavitational resistance, high strength of coating adhesion against dislocation
AP-CuAl8.5Fe1.5Ni5Mn1.5 Gas-sprayed bronze powder for coatings Cu  Al8.5  Fe1.5  Ni5  Mn1.5
Anti-frictional properties, increased resistance to abrasive wear, erosive and cavitational resistance at low and high temperatures, high strength of coating adhesion against dislocation, quick coating comformability
AP-CuAl9 Gas-sprayed bronze powder for coatings Cu Al9
Anti-frictional properties with good resistance to corrosion and good plasticity
AP-CuAl9Mn2 Gas-sprayed bronze powder for coatings Cu Al9 Mn2
Anti-frictional properties, resistance to wear due to manganese strenghtening, and high resistance to corrosion
AP-CuSi3Mn1 Gas-sprayed bronze powder for coatings Cu Si3 Mn1.3
Anti-friction properties, resistance to corrosion in salt- and fresh-water, good workability, and increased elastic properties
AP-CuPb30 Gas-sprayed bronze powder for coatings Cu Pb30 
High anti-friction properties during operation under increased pressure and high slip speeds, and high heat conductivity
AP-CuAl9.5Fe1 Gas-sprayed bronze powder for coatings Cu Al9.5 Fe1
Anti-friction properties with good resistance to corrosion and increased mechanical properties
(Water atomization)
Water-sprayed bronze powders for making parts using the PM method Cu Sn4    Cu Sn10    CuSn20
Good compressibility.
Particle size: base fraction 0-160 microns.
Packed density 3.5-4.5 g/cm3
AP-CuSn15 Water-sprayed bronze powders for making parts using the PM method Cu Sn15
Base fraction – less than 40 microns.
Packed density ≥ 3.8 g/cm3
AP-CuSn8P0.3 Gas-sprayed bronze powder for coatings Cu Sn8  P0.3
Anti-friction properties, increased hardness, durability, wear-resistance and corrosion-resistance, improved workability
AP-CuSn10P1 Gas-sprayed bronze powder for coatings Cu Sn10  P1
Excellent anti-friction and elasticity properties, increased hardness, wear- and corrosion-resistance, improved workability, good sintering behavior during filters manufacturing using the PM method
AP-CuSn5Zn5Pb5 Gas-sprayed bronze powder for coatings Cu Sn5  Zn5  Pb5
Good anti-friction properties, improved technological properties (workability), resistance to corrosion. Anti-scuffing, dense coatings on pipe threaded joints
(Water atomization)
Water-sprayed bronze powders for making parts using the PM method Cu  Sn5  Zn5  Pb5
Cu  Sn4  Zn8  Pb5

Compressed powder for making friction bearings and thermal compensators. Particle size: 0-160 microns, packed density 3.6-3.9 g/cm3, compactibility >7.9 g/cm3 at a pressure of 600 MPa.
AP-CuSn7Pb10 Gas-sprayed bronze powder for coatings Cu  Sn7  Pb10  Zn1  P<0.5   Fe<0.5
Anti-friction and improved technological properties in coatings on sleeves (friction bearings) oil-seal rings. Resistance to cavitation
AP-CuSn10Pb10 Gas-sprayed bronze powder for coatings Cu Sn10  Pb10
High anti-friction and corrosion-resistance properties at high pressure and high slip speeds
AP-CuSn10Pb1.5 Gas-sprayed bronze powder for coatings Cu Sn10  Pb1.5
Anti-friction properties, resistance to corrosion, wear-resistance at high pressures
AP-CuSn4Zn4Pb17 Gas-sprayed bronze powder for coatings Cu Sn4  Zn4  Pb17
High anti-friction properties, resistance to corrosion in deposited coatings, good workability
AP-CuSn8.5Ni3 Gas-sprayed bronze powder for coatings Cu Sn8.5 Ni3 Si1
Anti-frictional, corrosion-resistant and wear-resistant properties, good adaptability in sliding couplers, and good coating adhesion against dislocation; low coating oil-absorption
AP-CuSn8Ni5Si1B1 Gas-sprayed bronze powder for coatings Cu Sn8 Ni Si BSelf-fluxing properties. Wear-resistant friction coatings on parts made from copper alloys, steel and cast iron, HRB140-160
AP-CuCr1 Gas-sprayed bronze powder for coatings Cu Cr1
Wear-resistance combined with high electrical and heat conductivity and heat-resistance
(Water atomization)
Water-sprayed copper-based pseudo-alloy powder Fe Cu30
Compressed powder for making construction parts and composites using the PM method. Dampening properties and corrosion resistance
(Water atomization)
Water-sprayed bronze powders for making parts using the PM pethod Cu Zn37 0-100 microns, 0-200 microns and other
Cu Zn30 0-280 microns, packed density 3-3.5 g/cm3
Cu Zn21 0-280 microns, packed density 3.2-3.6 g/cm3
Cu Zn10 0-280 microns, packed density 3.05-3.55 g/cm3. Fluidity <35 s
AP-Cu63Zn37 Gas-sprayed brass powder for coatings Cu Zn37
High durability and wear-resistance in coatings
Bronzes, Brasses